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Zeal Group Liquidity Provider

Zeal Group Liquidity Provider

Know more about Zeal Group

Zeal group of companies (collectively Zeal Group) is a business portfolio comprising regulated financial institutions (trading as ZFX) and fintech companies specializing in multi-asset liquidity solutions in regulated markets backed by proprietary technology, with presence in major global locations.

Founded by a group of veteran traders with decades-long experience in the industry who not only share appreciation for the complexity the world of financial trading itself may present but also have the expertise and commitment to change, Zeal has a deep-rooted existential reason and has set its goal to deliver multi-asset trading services of next level to retail and institutional investors alike.

By not actively assuming market risk, ZFX consistently focuses on sourcing the best prices in the institutional marketplace using cutting edge technology and providing best in class trading services to ensure that the outcome of every trade executed at Zeal is purely the result determined by the market. The transparency in pricing ensures that Zeal is mainly compensated for its broking services through markups.

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