Hybrid Solutions |  VertexFX Best Forex Turn-Key Auto Trading Platform
Hybrid Solutions
  • September 7, 2020
  • amna hijjawi
  • 0

Dear VertexFX User,

We would like to invite you for taking extra cautions against some CLONED semi-solutions to VertexFX Trader, they are either illegally or awkwardly copied! Either way, they can not survive and will stop, leaving their followers with short-hands.

VertexFX Trader is a global System & TradeMark, we are committed to providing it throughout the best service and cost, many are trying to Clone it desperately. One illegal copy has been detected and its files were moved to the legal department for extra-legal action.

Please inform us in case you suspected any similar software or received such offers by email to sales@hybridsolutions.com or contact us at:

Whatsapp: +971508480431

We appreciate all loyal friends who gave us important data and helped us, themselves, and others from been trapped where they will be stuck.

Just to keep you posted for extra cautions.

VertexFX legal terminals are ONLY the ones with HYBRID SOLUTIONS COPYRIGHTS in HELP–> ABOUT Menu.

Customer Care Team